The Bermuda Triangle


The Bermuda Triangle is a very special place that cannot be understood. From electromagnetic clouds to vortexes that send you to other dimensions, but in reality no one knows what really goes on there. Many flights, and people on voyages have miraculously disappeared in the midst of the triangle. According to many sources, Christopher Columbus sailed the seas and he journalized sightings of UFO’s and many more strange happenings that still can’t be explained. In his journal he reported that he saw a flaming sphere fall from the sky into the ocean. After, he explains that he saw a glowing disc emerge from the sea that ascended into the sky. According to him he believed it to be a flying saucer, although there isn’t much evidence to back it up. Along with that he says that his compass also went crazy in this ominous location.

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In the Bermuda Triangle scientists assume that the ominous activities like the loss of magnetic direction, and electromagnetic happenings is caused by the hexagonal clouds in that region. Scientists say that the clouds cause the electromagnetic disruption, air bombs, and blistering winds. These “air bombs” bush the plane down with strong winds into the ocean. The electromagnetic disruption is caused by electrically charged clouds that interfere with the compass.
Many people have different speculations about the triangle and its mysteries. Theories include many unworldly things.

Some people believe that there is a wormhole in the middle of the triangle that brings you to another world. Others say that the lost city of Atlantis is in the middle of the triangle. Home to mermaids, which is why anyone that goes there cannot leave due to the knowledge they’ve obtained. So, the question is, “What’s really behind the Bermuda Triangle?” The world may never know.